The books that Anne ordered from us. She advised us to be on the lookout, as the order was put through or whatever. Actually, my memory is kind of fuzzy. But I remember her saying something about a recquistion, something involving weeks and a number, and something involving keeping our eyes peeled. So, maybe we can keep our collective eyes peeled, eh?
Hey jchris145, I'm sending you a reinvite to join the blog, so you can post topics and what not if it serves you. Look for it at your msn email account.
Great! I even started my own blog yesterday using the info you shared at the meeting. We'll see where it goes. . .I only have the basics down. I will try to learn more using your blog as my guinea blog.
I haven't gotten any of the review materials yet. Didn't she mention something about a box of books being at School 70...or was I out of it that day and dreamt it? Didn't she also mention something about OEDs that she ordered for us?
Do you mean the books from Ann? Or the teacher copies that Ruth discussed?
I guess I am behind on this one as well. . .
The books that Anne ordered from us. She advised us to be on the lookout, as the order was put through or whatever. Actually, my memory is kind of fuzzy. But I remember her saying something about a recquistion, something involving weeks and a number, and something involving keeping our eyes peeled. So, maybe we can keep our collective eyes peeled, eh?
Sorry, for us, not from us.
Hey jchris145, I'm sending you a reinvite to join the blog, so you can post topics and what not if it serves you. Look for it at your msn email account.
Great! I even started my own blog yesterday using the info you shared at the meeting. We'll see where it goes. . .I only have the basics down. I will try to learn more using your blog as my guinea blog.
No review materials as of is everyone doing??? Stressing yet???
I haven't gotten any of the review materials yet. Didn't she mention something about a box of books being at School 70...or was I out of it that day and dreamt it? Didn't she also mention something about OEDs that she ordered for us?
No stress here Frank...except maybe finishing the syllabus.
Jackie, another one of our teacher has been doing the blog thing for a few weeks. Her website is
It's a great tool.
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