Thursday, April 5, 2007

AP Networking Meeting

The next networking meeting will be on April 18th at WNED from 4-7 p.m. Please post some of the topics you would like to talk about so I can put it in our agenda. Also, we need some ideas for the curriculum for a Pre-AP course. Start thinking about the skills that can be front loaded so your job might be a little easier! Just some things to think about while you are on break! Have a good spring break ...


Joel said...

Julie...I would love to see them walk out of a Pre-AP summer school class having read the crap (clinical definition) out of a accessible, yet canonical AP worthy work AND really work on some basic literary literary annotation. If you guys decide on smaller works, then annotation. Poetry? Annotation. Obviously, they would need to work on strategies for annotating, terms, etc.

Maybe work in some study strategies to help them adjust to an AP workload.

Maybe have them write a 2-3 page analytical paper, typed, on one of the shorter or longer works they read.

I'm sure other folks have better ideas than that...these are top of my head things. If it is decided that specific strategies are being used, I would love to end up seeing them, so that I could build on them. Continuity, you know?

fdileo said...

Thanks for the update Joel.