Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Anchor Papers for Wordsworth/Dunbar Essay

Hello's the page with the AP questions & anchor papers for the past few years. The anchor paper for the essay we talked about "in class" is in the 2001 exam. You probably have to log in.


fdileo said...

Thanks Joe...I'd like to use this next week...

Good training session tonight...we need to get that experience that O'Leary has...we'll get it...each year gets better since we feel more comfortable with the curriculum...our networking helps...


Joel said...

Yeah, it was pretty good. He kind of assuaged my fears about my consistent need to cajole, bully, and guilt my students into getting assignments in and keep up on the reading. When I envision other people's AP kids I picture the perfect classroom where everyone is prepared up to date on the reading.

I still want to see a nuts and bolts teaching presentation on strategies. I want to know how people structure discussion, how much to get into analytical lenses, etc. I also wouldn't mind hearing from a panel of college professors. I want to know about the goals of introductory literature classes.

But I agree, I'm finding the networking enlightening.